horário extra de atendimento médico

Pensando em melhor atender os usuários da Unidade de Saúde da Família do Corte, a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde viabilizou, nesta quarta-feira (24), um horário extra de atendimento médico, das 16h às 19h.

A iniciativa visa atender os pacientes que têm dificuldade em comparecer na unidade de saúde durante o horário tradicional de atendimento médico.

Esse é o governo que mais trabalha e cuida da nossa gente!

#Irará #Saúde #USFCorte #PrefeituradeIrará #AgoraéTrabalho

The two halted, the nearer to us standing and facing Sunbury, a grey indistinctness towards the evening star. – James Doeh

I was telling about the airships of the rich. They carried the plague with them and no matter where they fled, they died. I never encountered but one survivor of any of them Mungerson. He was afterwards a Santa Rosan, and he married my eldest daughter. He came into the tribe eight years after the plague. He was then nineteen years old, and he was compelled to wait twelve years more before he could marry.

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